Creating Unique Whimsical Inklings, Designs, and more!

    Welcome to Whimsical Inklings, where we create digital art and laser files that are unique, fun, and inspiring. We are a husband-and-wife team who share a passion for art and design as well as nature, hiking, gardening, road trips' fishing and just hanging out at home with our kids. 

    Cheryl has been a professional artist and designer for over 30 years, working in various fields such as graphic design, illustration, art licensing and decorative painting publications. She loves learning new styles and techniques, and expressing her creativity through digital media. 

    Patrick attended the Seattle Art Institute, where he studied fine arts and digital media. He is fascinated by the possibilities of laser cutting and engraving, and enjoys making custom products that are both functional and beautiful. As well as being the go to guy for all the machines and technical stuff! He also creates beautiful  digital and hand drawn designs and is a prolific writer. Check out his etsy Artisan Design Works!

    We live in a converted airplane hangar at the base of a mountain, with our amazing blended family who are all entrepreneurs. We are inspired by nature, music, and each other, and we hope to share our whimsical inklings with you. Thank you for visiting our website, and feel free to browse around! If you have any questions, comments, or requests, please contact us. We would love to hear from you!